1. Choose the desired product and click "Add to Cart" or "Buy". The product will be added to your cart, and you can continue shopping if you wish.
  2. When you are ready to complete your purchase, click "Checkout".
  3. Fill in your contact details and click "Continue".
  4. Enter the address where you want to receive the product and click "Continue".
  5. Select the desired shipping method and click "Continue".
  6. Choose the payment method and click "Continue".
  7. Review all purchase information, including your details on the confirmation screen and click "Continue".
  8. Enter payment details and complete the transaction.
  9. As soon as payment is confirmed, if the product is an E-book, we will send it immediately, if it is a book or a t-shirt, it can take up to 10 working days to be ready and if it is a poster, we will send it for production within 5 working days We will ship to the indicated address.
  10. Ready! Now just wait for the delivery of your product. Any questions please contact us.